The NGMC Central Library has established a thorough procurement policy to acquire books and subscribe to both print and online resources, ensuring efficiency and transparency.


Faculty and students have the tradition of participating in the book selection process at the University Library. Each year in April, the Library will issue a circular to all departments, requesting the Heads of Departments to submit a list of books needed for the upcoming academic year. Recommendations from the Heads will be vetted and approved by the designated Faculty Head (Dean/Director).


The Library will verify the availability of the suggested titles. If any are unavailable, the recommended titles will be processed for procurement. A final list will then be sent to vendors/suppliers for proforma invoices on the books that are currently available. For books not in stock, vendors will be expected to procure and supply them within a specified timeframe. Upon receiving the proforma invoice, a Purchase Request (PR) will be generated through the ERP system, detailing the number of copies and prices, which will then require approval from the Purchase Department along with the necessary documentation (including the Faculty Head’s approval). The Purchase Department will authorize this to generate Purchase Orders (PO) for delivery. The Library may purchase multiple copies (up to five) of high-demand titles.

3. PROCEDURE FOR STAFF (Asst. Professor, Associate Professor, Professor, HODs, and Deans)

In cases where faculty urgently require a book not currently available in the Library, they are permitted to purchase it from online platforms like Amazon.com or Flipkart.com using their credit/debit cards for a maximum amount of Rs.1000 (Rupees one thousand only). They should submit the book and its receipt to the Library for processing, along with a reimbursement request letter through their Department Head and appropriate approval from the Faculty Head (Dean/Director). Faculty will be reimbursed for the total expenditure based on the credit/debit card statement and the online store receipt. The Library will handle this through the ERP (PO, GRN) and submit the bill for payment. The amount will be deducted from the sanctioned budget for that academic year as approved by the authorities.


Once the books arrive at the Library, invoices/bills will be verified against the PO (including pricing, discount rates, etc.) and will subsequently be entered into stock records. Stock entries will be recorded in the Accession Register, which captures all pertinent book details, such as Title, Author, Publisher, Vendor, Year of Publication, etc. Upon completion of the stock entry, invoices/bills will move to Gate Entry, after which they will be processed for payment. The invoices will be directed to the accounts section for payment release through the respective Faculty Head alongside necessary documents like GRN, PO, and Faculty Head approval. Each invoice amount will be deducted from the sanctioned budget for the academic year as approved by the relevant authorities, and the remaining balance will be noted. The accounts section will disburse payments to vendors according to established protocols.


5.1. Addition of New Print Journals

Recommendations for new journal subscriptions received from the Department Head will be approved by the Faculty Head (Dean/Director). The Library will gather the proforma invoice and submit it for approval from the relevant authorities (Faculty Head and Principal). Upon receiving the necessary approvals, the Library will create a purchase request via the ERP system for the Purchase Department’s confirmation. Following this approval, a Purchase Order (PO) will be issued to the vendors. The corresponding invoice will be sent to the relevant Faculty or Accounts section with supporting documentation for the release of a 100% advance payment. Once payment is confirmed via DD or online transfer, the journal volumes will be supplied, and this will be recorded in the stock register. Each invoice amount will be subtracted from the approved budget for the academic year, with the remaining balance duly noted.

5.2. Addition of New Online Journals / E-Books Packages

The Department Head’s recommendations for new online journals or e-books will receive Faculty Head (Dean/Director) approval. The Library Committee will then review the request along with the annual subscription cost. After obtaining the committee’s approval, the Library will proceed with the subscription for the upcoming academic year’s budget. Following budget approval, the Library will acquire the current year’s price quotes and present them to the respective Faculty’s Purchase Committee for negotiation. Once the Purchase Committee provides approval, the Library will seek authorization from the university authorities (HOD, Faculty Head and Principal). With the necessary approvals obtained, the Library will process the request through ERP to create a purchase request for the Purchase Department’s consent. After approval, the Library will issue the PO to the vendor. A proforma invoice will be sent to the respective Faculty’s accounts section to request 100% advance payment, accompanied by required documents such as PO, GRN, and approval letter. Each invoice amount will be deducted from the sanctioned budget of the academic year, with the remaining balance noted. Upon receipt of payment, the supplier will activate NGMC’s IPs and VPN with DRM (Digital Rights Management) as stipulated in the agreement.

5.3. Renewal of Existing Print Journals

Renewal quotes will be obtained from vendors, societies, or publishers and forwarded for approval to the authorities (HOD, Faculty Head and Principal). After receiving approval, the Library will create a Purchase Request through ERP for the Purchase Department’s endorsement. Once approved, the Library will issue a PO to the vendor. The invoice will be sent to the respective Faculty’s accounts section with supporting documents to request a 100% advance payment. Payment (via DD or online transfer) will activate the supply of journal volumes, which will subsequently be recorded in the stock register. Each invoice amount will be deducted from the approved academic year’s budget, with the remaining balance noted.

5.4. Renewal of Annual Subscription Online Journals / E-Books Packages

The Library will collect renewal quotes and usage reports from publishers and forward them to the respective Department Heads for endorsement. Upon receiving their recommendations, the Library will then seek approval from the university authorities (HOD, Faculty Head and Principal). After the university’s approval, the Library will process the request through ERP to raise a Purchase Request for the Purchase Department’s approval. After receiving this, the Library will issue a PO to the vendor. The proforma invoice will be submitted to the respective Faculty’s accounts section requesting 100% advance payment, with necessary supporting documents such as PO, GRN, and approval letter. Each invoice amount will be deducted from the sanctioned budget of the academic year, and the remaining balance will be noted. Once payment has been received, the supplier will activate NGMC IST IPs and VPNs with DRM (Digital Rights Management) per the agreement terms.

5.5. Purchase of Equipment

The Central Library will prepare an equipment list, including furniture and computers, for approval by the authorities. An approval letter will be presented to the purchasing officer, who will then obtain price quotes, prepare a comparative statement, and follow the necessary approval procedures before placing the order. Upon receipt of the products, they will transfer the items with a copy of the invoice to the Central Library, which will properly log the stock and acknowledge receipt. The invoice amount will be deducted from the budget, and a summary will be sent to the relevant accounts office.


The Library Committee will have a Chairperson appointed by the Registrar. The University Librarian will serve as the Secretary and convenor of the Committee. Members of the committee will have a tenure of two years, with Faculty Directors responsible for recommending new members once the current members’ term ends.

The Committee will convene biannually (at the start of both odd and even semesters) to address the following matters:

Presentation of the annual library budget.

Consideration of proposals for new resources, including online and print journals and equipment, to be submitted for approval by the authorities.
Evaluation of library policies and procedures.

Recommendation for the removal of outdated or non-functional books from the library collection.
Any other suggestions aimed at enhancing library services.


7.1 Membership

Membership is available to all faculty, staff, research scholars, and students of NGM College.

7.2 Operating Hours

The operating hours are as follows:

Central Library
Monday to Friday 08:00 a.m. to 06:00 p.m. Saturday 09:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Summer Holidays 09:00 a.m. to 06:00 p.m. (Closed on Sundays)

Circulation Counter
Monday to Friday 08:15 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 04:00 p.m.

Dr Abdul Kalam Study Center
Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday & Sunday Closed

Library Office

Monday to Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Sunday Closed Lunch Break 1:15 p.m. to 1:45 p.m.

All holidays observed by the College.


Category No. of Books Eligible Duration
Teaching Faculty 10 Full semester
Supporting Staff
Non Teaching Staff 4 15 days
Lab Assistants 2 15 days
Student Members
Under Graduate 2 15 days
Post Graduate 4 15 days
Research Scholars 4 15 days


Note: Students achieving a higher will be granted an additional two books. The Head of Department (HOD) may propose the list to the library via the Dean.

Members are accountable for all borrowed books. All final year student members must obtain a “No Dues Certificate” from the University. The Course Completion/Mark Sheet and Degree Certificate will only be issued upon presenting this No Dues Certificate from the University Library. Similarly, staff members intending to leave the Institution must settle all dues, including ID cards, and obtain a No Dues Certificate (NOC) from the University Librarian.


Any loss of ID cards (Smart Card 4K) must be reported to the University Library immediately so that they can be blocked.

Duplicate ID cards can be issued by the Central Library ID Card Section upon payment, provided that members give an undertaking agreeing to be liable for any loss due to the unintentional use or misuse of the lost card.


Student members may borrow non-reference books for a duration of 15 days only. Teachers may borrow books for a full semester. Reference Books, Encyclopedias, Handbooks, Dictionaries, Periodicals, Student Project Reports, Dissertations, Theses, and Back Volumes are available for reference only and will not be issued.

Two renewals are allowed if there are no reservations for the book. To renew, the books must be presented at the library counter. Members can also renew books online using their login at Before leaving the counter, members should verify that the books they plan to borrow are in acceptable condition and report any damage or markings to the Librarian, or risk being held accountable for the book’s condition. High-demand books may be borrowed for shorter periods and can be recalled at any time. Absence will not be considered a valid reason for delays in returning or renewing books.


Members are urged to return or renew their books by the due date indicated on the book; otherwise, a penalty will incur. The penalty structure is as follows:

01-15 days Rs.1/- per day

16-30 Days Rs.2/- per day (calculated from day one)

31 days and above Rs.5/- per day (calculated from day one)

Failure to return books punctually may lead to cancellation of membership.


Any lost books must be reported to the library at once, and the member must replace them with a new copy, along with any overdue fees. If the book was purchased within 5 years, the replacement cost will be double the price of the book. For books over 5 years old, the member may pay three times the cost of the book plus any overdue charges, if applicable.


Members can reserve books that have been checked out through the library’s website: https://emanager.srmist.edu.in/elibrary/Home.jsp. Members will be notified of the availability via email, or they can check their reservation status on the library website. Reserved books will be held at the issue counter for two days. If members do not collect their reserved books within this time frame, the books will be made available to the next member on the wait list.


All members must visibly display their identity cards and present them to security upon request.

Personal items such as books, files, bound materials, and other possessions (excluding small notebooks or loose papers) are not permitted inside the library. Members must leave their personal belongings at the deposit counter located near the entrance.

Silence must be maintained at all times within the library.

The use of mobile phones within the library is strictly forbidden.

Members are responsible for any damage they cause to books or other college property. If damage occurs, they will be required to replace the book or any other affected item.

Any form of misconduct in the library may result in the revocation of membership and additional disciplinary measures.

Marking or writing in library books is completely forbidden. If any damage or markings are discovered, the responsible member will be obligated to replace the book.

Notwithstanding any of the above points, the decisions made by the University authorities are final in all matters.


The library will present details regarding damaged books, CDs, and similar items to the library committee for their recommendations, and periodicals will be reviewed and potentially withdrawn every three years. The committee’s recommendations will be submitted to the authorities for final approval.