Governance, Leadership and Management

Governance, Leadership and Management

The College, with a visionary Leadership and a team of dedicated, experienced and learned teachers, aims at producing  responsible and competent citizens to fulfil their professional, social and national obligations. In tune with the Vision and Mission, the campus is vibrant with Seminars, Conferences, Research and other extracurricular activities, explicitly reflecting the ethos of the college in its quest for innovation, excellence, development of society, promotion of research and use of technology.

The College maintains a culture which fosters participative management. The top priority decision-making is done by the Governing Body which comprises the Secretary, President, Principal, College Council and Heads of Departments. The team-work culture creates institutional loyalty and willingness to discharge duties in an exemplary manner. The college maintains a healthy relationship with its stakeholders through periodical interaction with the Staff, Students, Parents, Alumni and experts in Industries. The college strives for upward transformation in planning perspectives and suitable strategies.

The college ensures that grievances/complaints are promptly attended to and resolved effectively. Students’ Grievance Cell, Women’s Harassment Prevention Cell, Examination Appeal and Grievance Committee and Anti-ragging Committee receive and resolve grievances of its stakeholders. Various Cells/Bodies/Committees functioning in the college organize its own meetings and resolves a number of minutes to the well-functioning of the institution. Management ensures the welfare of the faculty, Non-teaching and support staff.

Finance Committee ensures effective and efficient use of financial resources. Academic Audit is conducted by IQAC. Based on their recommendations, quality enhancement initiatives are implemented in the administrative and academic domains.