Institutional Values and Best Practices

The college pioneers in innovation and healthy practices and is open to adapting to emerging trends in higher education. College internal Green Audit Committee revives the environment- related initiatives that are being implemented in the campus and formulates action plan for every academic year in order to have a better environmental sensitization. Solar streetlights, rain water harvesting, drip irrigation, modern kitchen, tree plantation programs and herbal garden are a few measures adopted to develop eco-consciousness among the college community. Efficient Waste management is implemented through its policy of reduce, recycle and re-use. Plastic-free green NGM concentrates on converting every other color into green.

The institution offers value education as a component of the curriculum and ensures that the students adhere to the code of conduct and right manners in campus life and has integrated ‘Ethics and Values’ in the curriculum for all UG students as a distinctive practice in tune with the Vision and Mission of the Institution.

Gender sensitivity is meticulously integrated into the very sap of the character by emboldening both boys and girls with empathy for the other. Safety and security is the requirement for all, irrespective of gender, and this is taken care of. The Academy for Professional Development at NGM is a career enrichment program for the students to hone their interpersonal skills and make them ready for employability.

Being an academic institution of high reputation, NGM believes in maintaining transparency in its financial, academic, administrative and auxiliary functions.