Free open access e-resources list 12-2022

Open Access e-Resources

Courseware and Learning Resources
1. SWAYAM: Massive Open Online Courses
2. SWAYAMPRABHA: View Digital Courses on TV
3. e-Acharya (INFLIBNET Gandhinagar)
4. e-Gyankosh
5. e-PG Pathshala (INFLIBNET Gandhinagar)
6. e-ShodhSindhu (e-SS)
7. e-Yantra: Engineering for better Tomorrow
8. Virtual Labs: Web-enabled experiements designed for remote operation
9. FOSSEE: Free/Libre and Open Source Software for Education
10. Spoken Tutorial: Tutorial in IT Application
11. National Digital Library of India (NDLI)
12. Shodhganga: A reservoir of Indian Theses
13. NPTEL Video Lectures
14. Codecademy
15. Free Lecture videos
16. Harvard Open Courseware
17. MIT Open Courseware and other Learning Resources (OCW)
18. Open Yale Courses
19. Oxford Mathematics Open Courseware and other Learning Resources
20. Video Lecture
21. Shodh Shudhhi (PDS): Plagiarism Detection Software
22. IRINS: Research Information Management System
Reference Management & Writing Assistance Tools
1. Zotero
2. Mendeley
3. QuillBot
1. Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB)
2. Open Library
3. Project Gutenberg
4. Rare Book Room
1. Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC)
2. Advances In Electrical And Computer Engineering
3. Annales Geophysicae
4. Anthropoetics: The Journal Of Generative Anthropology 
5. Astrophysics And Space Sciences Transactions
6. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics
7. Chemical Engineering Research Bulletin
8. Communicating Astronomy With The Public 
9. Estonian Journal Of Earth Sciences
10. Fibreculture Journal
11. Iaeng International Journal Of Applied Mathematics
12. International Electronic Journal Of Mathematics Education
13. International Journal Of Design
14. International Journal Of Engineering Science And Technology
15. International Journal Of Internet Science
16. Journal Of Geosciences
17. Journal Of Industrial Engineering And Management
18. Revista Letra Magna
19. Sankhya: The Indian Journal Of Statistics
20. Science Publications
21. Semantics And Pragmatics
22. Silpakorn University Science And Technology Journal
23. The Arkeotek Journal
24. The International Journal Of The Creative Arts In Interdisciplinary Practicethe Journal Of Religion And Film
25. Theological Librarianship
         26. Technology Focus

e-Journal Databases

1. CSIR-NISCAIR Journals
2. Indian Society for Education and Environment
3. Khagol (Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysic)
4. NISCAIR Online Periodicals Repository
5. ChemSpider
6. Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
7. HighWire
8. Hindawi Publishing
9. Impact Journals
10. PLoS
11. PubMed Central
12. Science Alert
13. Springer Open Access
e-Print Archive
2. CERN Document Server
3. Chemical Sciences Repository
4. Cogprints
5. HAL open archive Scholarly documents
6. HAL-SHS Archive of scientific literature
7. Institut Nicod Eprints Archive
8. Organic eprints
9. Solar Physics E-Print Archive
Institutional Repositories
2. CSIR-Indian Institute of Astrophysics
3. CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Biology
5. CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography
6. IIM Ahemdabad
7. IIM Kozhikode
8. IISc Bangalore
10. IIT Bhubaneswar
11. IIT Bombay
12. IIT Delhi
13. IIT Gandhinagar
14. IIT Guwahati
15. IIT Hyderabad
16. IIT Kharagpur
17. IIT Roorkee
18. Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore
19. Institutional Archives Registry
20. Mahatma Gandhi University
21. National Institute of Oceanography
22. National Physical Laboratory (NPL)
23. NIT Rourkela
24. Raman Research Institute
25. Australian University Theses & Dissertations
26. DART-Europe E-Theses Portal
27. DiVA portal
28. Open Access Theses and Dissertations: OATD
29. Open Directory Project Free Dissertations
30. Open DOAR
32. PQDT OPEN: ProQuest Digital Theses
33. ROAR
35. Thesis Abstracts and Dissertation Abstract
National Repository

1. Digital Library of India
2. National Digital Library of India (IIT Kharagpur)
3. ShodhGanga (INFLIBNET-India)
4. IITs Council
5. Vidwan
6. Vidyanidhi Project
7. Research Project Database
8. ShodhGangotri (INFLIBNET-India)
Patents and Standards
1. ECMA International open standards
2. Esp@cenet
3. European Patent Office (EPO)
4. Google Patents
5. Indian Patent design and trademark
6. Indian Patent Office
7. Open Geospatial Consortium
9. US Patent and Trademark Office (PTO)
10. World Wide Web Consortium open Standard
Search Engines
1. Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE)
2. CiteSeerX
3. Connecting Repositories (CORE)
4. Google Scholar
6. Microsoft Academic Search
7. OAIster (WorldCat)
Virtual Libraries/Subject Gateways
2. Internet Public Library
3. The Virtual Library of Mathematics (VifaMath)
5. WWW Virtual Library
 University Directory
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