Resources Statistics

Books : 69,960
Journals : 8859 ( incl. e-journals)
Online Database : KNIMBUS
N-List e-Resources : 6000+ Journals
Thesis & Dissertations : 1774
Bound Periodicals : 4219
Newspapers : 12
CDROMS : 854
Servers : 3
Computers : 60

Method of Classification – Dewey Decimal Classification

A separate theses section is available in the Research Scholar Study Room which holds M.Phil and Ph.D. theses.

The General Library has a separate section for Civil Services Examinations and books for UGC NET. The Civil Services section has books on History, Public Administration, Economics, Commerce and General Studies and is updated with latest syllabus of NGM College.

Collection Development Objectives:

  • Support the educational curriculum, research, and teaching needs of our users.
  • Meet the informational and recreational interests of the community.
  • Provide resources that reflect a wide range of viewpoints, cultures, and experiences.
  • Preserve and promote local history, heritage, and unique collections.
  • Ensure the collection remains current, accurate, and reliable.
  • Foster digital literacy by offering a variety of digital resources and technologies.

Collection Scope: Our collection encompasses a broad range of subjects and formats, including books, periodicals, e-books, audiobooks, DVDs, digital databases, and online resources. We prioritize materials that align with our mission, user needs, and emerging trends. While we aim to provide a balanced and comprehensive collection, certain specialized or niche areas may receive additional emphasis based on community interests and demands.

Selection Criteria: Materials will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Relevance to the library’s mission and collection development objectives.
  • Accuracy, authority, and quality of content.
  • Significance, enduring value, and potential user interest.
  • Reputation and credibility of the author, publisher, or source.
  • Timeliness and currency of the information.
  • User demand, anticipated usage, and popularity.
  • Cost, availability, and budgetary considerations.