The Audio Visual Room in Central Library is a versatile space that can be used for a variety of events such as seminars and workshops. In this guide, we will provide you with tips and tricks on how to make the most of this space and create a successful event.

1. Reserve the Room in Advance:
To ensure that you have access to the Audio Visual Room for your seminar or workshop, be sure to reserve the room well in advance. This will give you time to plan and set up the room according to your needs.

2. Check the Equipment:
Before your event, make sure to check that all the audio visual equipment in the room is in working order. This includes the projector, screen, sound system, and any other equipment you may need for your presentation.

3. Arrive Early to Set Up:
Give yourself plenty of time to set up the room before your event begins. This will help you troubleshoot any technical issues and ensure that everything is ready to go when your participants arrive.

4. Customize the Room Layout:
Depending on the type of event you are hosting, you may need to adjust the layout of the room. Set up chairs and tables in a way that promotes engagement and interaction among your participants.

5. Use Visual Aids:
Take advantage of the audio visual capabilities of the room by using visual aids such as PowerPoint presentations or videos. This will help keep your audience engaged and enhance the learning experience.

6. Engage with your Participants:
Encourage participation and interaction among your participants during your seminar or workshop. Use the audio visual tools in the room to facilitate discussions, group activities, and Q&A sessions.

7. Provide Handouts or Resources:
To further enhance the learning experience for your participants, consider providing handouts or resources that they can take home with them. This will help reinforce the key points of your presentation and serve as a useful reference.

8. Gather Feedback:
After your seminar or workshop has ended, be sure to gather feedback from your participants. This will help you assess the success of your event and make improvements for future events.